Punta Ala – A trail paradise ?

We are back home since around 2 weeks, and while I sit on our terrace on a warm golden October day I’ll recap the last 11 days of our summer camper van trip. In order to spend some time at the beach and on the bikes, we’ve chosen Punta Ala and the huge campsite Punta…

How to fall in love with Zermatt

We planned to stay 2 nights in Zermatt, while I am writing this post we are spending our forth one in Täsch, Camping Alphubel, close to Zermatt. Zermatt and the surrounding mountains are simply so beautiful and fascinating that we had to stay longer to explore more of this special location. A mecca for MTB…

Schlanders – Camping Vogelsang – Day 2

Around 30°C with a burning sun today but we were telling ourselves today or never – uphill Sonnenberg, downhill Monte Sole (Sunny Benny) and Tschilli trail. We tried that already in 2013, on that very first bike vacation still riding hardtails, and I remember that we had to push our bikes and were not able…

Schlanders – Camping Vogelsang – Day 1

Yesterday we had another transfer day, while travelling to Schlanders / Vinschgau we made a quick stop at the Salewa concept store in Bozen, which is really nicely built with a climbing wall outside of the building and a well organized shop inside. Once arrived in Schlanders on Camping Vogelsang, we managed to set up…